One handed shooting
This is exactly how I teach one-handed shooting. The article has a video imbedded for those that learn better that way, aka those like me...
Are you proficient with both hands?
In the below article Greg echos what I tell my students all the time and why we spend time drilling shooting with our dominant and...

Perception vs. Reality
I challenge the theory that perception is reality. How we see ourselves, on many levels, is rarely in fact the way we truly are. I see...

Some Truth
This is the reality society refuses to acknowledge. It's ugly, it's violent, and it's necessary. Use all the Sheepdog/Wolf references you...

Training doesn't have an age limit
We consider shooting on the move to be a fundamental skill, that's why it's taught in our Shooting Fundamentals class. In this pic you...

The $6.00 Target Stand
In addition to my trainings offered at facilities like the United States Shooting Academy, I also conduct them at private ranges. These...