
*Five-O Tactical does not allow Serpa or universal style holsters in any of our classes. *Additionally, shoulder, cross draw, and small of the back holsters are also not permitted.
** All firearms classes are held at the wonderful Glenndale Grace Firearms training facility unless specified otherwise**
Handgun Operator
TThis class is great for both beginner and experienced shooters. It serves as the foundation upon which our EDC Pistol class is built and is designed to build the shooter's confidence and skill when deploying a handgun. Safety and proper gun handling are covered extensively, as is marksmanship. This course delves deeply into the proper fundamentals of shooting a pistol—a place where all great shooters start and return to when problems arise.
Topics covered include:
-Gun Safety Rules
-Types of Pistols
-Proper Operation of Revolvers and Semi-Automatic Pistols
-Ammunition Knowledge and Selection
-Selecting and Storing a Pistol
-The Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting (Stance, Grip, Trigger Press, Sight Alignment/Picture)
-concealment methods
-Clearing Stoppages
-Pistol Shooting Errors
-Pistol Inspection and Maintenance
-Extensive Range Drills focusing on Fundamentals and Defensive Shooting
-Oklahoma Law Regarding Use of Force
**Student will need a quality pistol/revolver (small pocket sized pistols will make for a very long and frustrating day, I encourage a med-lrg frame pistol. You may bring more than one as well), 300 rounds of ammunition, eye/ear protection, and a quality holster (no Serpa style, universal types, or small of back holsters allowed)
Course fee - $200
Facility fee - $25
Mini-Medics is an engaging and vital medical class for kids aged 4-12. Moving beyond band-Aids, Mini-Medics covers crucial skills like bandaging, tourniquets, airway clearance, and the recovery position. In our safe, age-appropriate setting, your young ones will practice these life-saving skills, including making mock emergency calls to 911, to gain crucial life skills and confidence.
Kids age 4-11 (exceptions made on a case by case basis)
At least one parent/guardian must attend the class with the child
Your child should wear comfortable clothes and shoes
Course fee - $175
Durations: 4 hrs
CONTACT! Force on Force
Five-O Tactical is one of only a few companies in the U.S. providing qualified, competent, relevant, and safe force-on-force training. In this class, students will be placed in five unique scenarios relevant to the daily lives of any armed citizen. Utilizing highly trained role players as opposing force and background players, these scenarios change with each class iteration and revolve around a specific theme. Our Fall 2024 module focuses on vehicle-based violence.
In each scenario, students will be equipped with a non-lethal but mildly pain-inducing weapon system, the same as our opposing force, and given the premise of the scenario. As the scene starts, students must navigate it as they would in real life, making decisions based on unfolding events. The decisions they make may lead to positive or negative outcomes. Each student will receive individualized critiques following each scenario and participate in an overall group round table.
It's the ultimate test of one’s skills, tactics, and mental strength.
A quality airsoft mask with full face coverage is required
Light gloves if desired
long sleeve shirt and long pants (no shorts)
close toed shoes
eye protection (in addition to that provide by the mask)
Coure Fee: $250
Facility Fee: $25
Tactical Rimfire
A comprehensive class designed for those seeking a deeper understanding of rimfire rifles beyond traditional applications. Covering system-collapse roles, this course explores:
- External and terminal ballistics through a gel lab
- Shot placement and its impact on terminal performance
- Barrier performance and penetration testing
- Mission-driven ammo selection
- Short to immediate engagement considerations (25-300 yards)
- Long-term ammo storage solutions
- Accuracy standards and testing procedures
- Gear selection and setup
- Sound suppression lab
Required gear
Rifle chambered in a rimfire caliber (.22LR or .17HMR recommended)
*Rifle can be bolt or semi-auto
500 rounds of ammo (no home loads)
Sling (optional but recommended)
Dedicated backpack or rifle bag (optional but recomended)
Bipod or Shooting bag/rest
Extra batteries for optics if required
Black Sharpie
Note taking material
1 roll of tan masking tape
Spotting scope / Binoculars (Optional)
Eye/Ear pro
Range Appropriate attire
Course Fee - $400
Facility Fee - $40
At least 1 extra magazine if your rifle is magazine fed
*16 hrs
*Rimfire rifles only
Introduction to Competitive Shooting
Have you ever thought about participating in competitive shooting but just weren’t quite sure where to start? Hell, the acronyms alone confuse me! Then there’s all the gear! Do I need this? Do I need that? Can I run what I have? How do the rules differ between the various sports and divisions?
Well, as I often say, I’ve got a class for that! More specifically, I have assembled two of the best competitive shooters in Oklahoma and tasked them with coming up with that class, and it’s on our 2024 schedule: Introduction to Competitive Shooting!
Co-taught by Five-O’s very own resident hippie, Donovan Padgett, an accomplished shooter in the 3-gun and Run-N-Gun scenes, and USPSA Grand Master and two-time Oklahoma State Champion, Josh Smith, this 2-day class will not only answer all your competitive shooting questions on day one, but it will also give you an opportunity to put what you’ve learned to use by shooting an actual competition on day two!
Required gear
Pistol and quality holster *see restrictions
500 rounds of pistol ammo (no home loads)
At least 4 magazines for you pistol, more if you have them
Eye/ear protection
1 roll of tan masking tape
1 black sharpie
Note taking material
Bag chair or something to sit on
Pop up awning (optional)
Range appropriate attire
Hydration and a sack lunch
*Students will shoot pistols only. However, instructors will demo competition setup rifles and shotguns.
Course Fee - $400
Facility Fee - $40
Duration: 16 hrs
EDC Pistol
EDC Pistol is a two-day immersion into the skills, mindset, and tactics needed by those who carry every day. It represents the culmination of my almost 30 years of EDC experience, both professionally and privately.
This comprehensive curriculum begins with an individualized diagnostic review of draw stroke proficiency and efficacy, coupled with quantifiable testing of on-demand accuracy under stress—two vital yet often overlooked factors in training that correlate immensely with successful outcomes.
Other topics include engagement considerations for congested environments, shooting under movement and at movement, threat prioritization and problem-solving under stress, the application and use of real-world cover/concealment principles, barrier penetration from both an offensive and defensive position, shooting from improvised positions, shooting from extended ranges, post-incident considerations including mock 911 calls, and much, much more.
In short, this class is the most comprehensive and mission-focused class we’ve ever designed.
Required gear
Pistol and quality holster *see restrictions
600 rounds of ammo (no home loads)
At least 2 magazines for you pistol, more if you have them
Eye/ear protection
1 roll of tan masking tape
Note taking material
Range appropriate attire
Hydration and a sack lunch
*Students are highly encouraged to bring their everyday carry (edc) setups for a more honest assessment of their skills and capabilities
Course Fee - $400
Facility Fee - $40
Duration: 16 hrs
Advanced Rifle Tactics (A.R.T.)
This 16-hour class picks up where our AR-15 Operator course left off and is to the rifle what our EDC class is to the pistol—a comprehensive immersion into everything a citizen operator of the platform needs to know. With modules covering accuracy under movement, positional shooting, threat prioritization and discrimination, engagement considerations, injured shooter drills, stress reloads, and offset/hold applications in dynamic environments, this class has everything you need and none of the fluff you don't.
AR style rifle (no caliber restrictions)
Functional and zeroed sight system (RDS, irons, LPVO)
600 rounds of quality ammunition (no reloads, steel is OK)
Sling (mandatory)
Eye/ear protection
Range appropriate clothing to include hat and rain gear if warranted
Folding chair
Sack lunch
Course Fee - $400
Facility Fee - $40
Low Light Handgun
The ability to defend against a threat in a low light environment is a must. This class will prepare the student for that mission by providing a foundational understanding and competency in the following:
Light selection
Utilization of ambient light sources
Handheld light applications
Weapon mounted light applications
Low light search techniques
Low light shooting techniques
Low light movement
Low light cover/concealment considerations
Quality Handgun
Minimum of (1) handheld flashlight - REQUIRED
Weapon mounted light - OPTIONAL (does not replace handheld)
Quality holster (if using a pistol WML holster must accommodate said light)
Minimum of (3) magazines
300 rounds of ammunition
Range appropriate attire
Headlamp with red light capability
Eye/Ear pro
Student must be able to demonstrate on command safe gun handling, weapon system competency, fundamental marksmanship skills, and the ability to safely work from the holster. Students failing to meet and maintain our safety requirements or the required minimum skills may be removed from the training.
Course Fee - $200
Facility Fee - $25
Low Light Handgun Level II
This class builds on the foundations established in Level I, guiding students through advanced applications of low light skills and tactics. Modules in this course include the introduction to positional shooting, threat prioritization/discrimination and engagement considerations, low light weapon manipulations including reloads and malfunction clearance, low light medical procedures, and post-application reengagement. Students can expect these topics and many more, enhancing their proficiency in low light environments.
Quality Handgun
Minimum of (1) handheld flashlight - REQUIRED
Weapon mounted light - OPTIONAL (does not replace handheld)
Quality holster (if using a pistol WML holster must accommodate said light)
Minimum of (3) magazines
300 rounds of ammunition
Range appropriate attire
Headlamp with red light capability
Eye/Ear pro
Student must have successfully completed Low Light Handgun Level I or comparable low light training through and accredited training course (to be determined by Five-O staff).
Course Fee - $250
Facility Fee - $25
Low Light Rifle
The ability to defend against a threat in a low light environment is a must. This class will prepare the student for that mission by providing a foundational understanding and competency in the following:
Light selection
Utilization of ambient light sources
Handheld light applications
Weapon mounted light applications
Low light search techniques
Low light shooting techniques
Low light movement
Low light cover/concealment considerations
AR/AK style rifle (PCC's are approved)
Minimum of (1) handheld flashlight - REQUIRED
Weapon mounted light - OPTIONAL (does not replace handheld)
Quality sling
Minimum of (3) magazines
300 rounds of ammunition
Range appropriate attire
Headlamp with red light capability
Eye/Ear pro
Student must be able to demonstrate on command safe gun handling, weapon system competency, fundamental marksmanship skills, and the ability to safely work from the sling. Students failing to meet and maintain our safety requirements or the required minimum skills may be removed from the training.
Course Fee - $200
Facility Fee - $25
Kids Introduction to Firearms
Learning about firearms at a young age helps remove any negative stigma surrounding them, and instead fosters a healthy respect for their capabilities. Utilizing our state of the art training simulator, as well as live fire and classroom work, this 8 hour curriculum will instill a solid foundation of gun safety and shooting FUNdamentals.
Whether you own a firearm or not, someone you know does. That makes this class a must for every child. With an emphasis on safety and supervision, we introduce the child to firearms in a way that removes the mystique often associated with unauthorized “playing” in the absence of adult supervision.
Our range portion uses .22 caliber firearms exclusively in conjunction with static and reactionary targets, making this class a ton of fun and a great bonding opportunity for the child and required parent or guardian. Topics include extensive coverage of gun safety, encountering unsecured firearms (peer and solo), fundamentals of marksmanship, range etiquette, “ballistic responsibilities”, and much more!
Age limit 8-15 (adjustable for maturity and sibling attendance)
Required gear:
Eye/Ear protection for you and your child
At least one parent or guardian
Sack lunch
Bag chair(s)
Provided by Five-O Tactical:
All ammunition and firearms
Course Fee - $200
Facility Fee - $25
Urban Rifle
This 16 hour class covers the multi-situational deployment of the modern rifle in today’s urban environment at distances ranging from ECQC out to 300 yards. You have never seen a class like this because there isn’t one.
Topic covered include:
Ambush/Counter Ambush Tactics
Surreptitious Movement and Setup
Surreptitious Egress and Post Engagement Considerations
Vehicle Engagements and Immobilization
Barrier Penetration and Related Ballistics
Ballistics of Interior Structural Media (Glass, Drywall, Etc)
Improvised Shooting Positions
Small Unit Consideration and Tactics
Snap and Precision Shooting
AR/AK style rifle or bolt gun
500 rounds of ammunition
Minimum of (3) magazines
Dedicated backpack or rifle bag (optional)
Extra batteries for optics if required
Chest rigs and or plates (optional)
Pistol and quality holster
100 rounds of pistol ammunition
Eye/Ear pro
Range Appropriate attire
Course Fee - $400
Facility Fee - $40
Vehicle Counter Ambush Tactics (VCAT) - 16 hour
Americans collectively spend an amazing 70 billion hours a year behind the wheel of their vehicles, just one reason why assaults on persons inside them are so prevalent. Road rage, car jackings, angry street blocking protesters, robberies, sexual assaults, and active mass casualty events are all too common and things everyone on the road should be prepared for. Enter VCAT from Five-O Tactical.
While this class is geared for the average citizen, it pulls heavily from Lead Instructor Chuck Smith's 27 years of experience as a law enforcement officer and his primary assignments in narcotics. Covering counter-surveillance and pre-attack indicators, this class will increase your chances of survival in these situations by learning how to avoid them in the first place. And when avoidance isn't an option, by total domination of the event.
Additionally, this class covers topics ranging from simple lane selection for daily driving all the way to ballistic considerations for interior and exterior engagements. Simply put, this class has it all.
Required gear:
Pistol and quality holster *see restrictions above
500 rounds of ammo (no home loads)
At least 2 magazines for you pistol, more if you have them
Eye/ear protection
1 roll of tan masking tape
Note taking material
Range appropriate attire
Hydration and a sack lunch
*This class is CLEET approved for 8hrs of continuing education, 16 hr approval pending
Course fee: $400
Facility fee: $40
Duration: 16 hours
Shotgun Operator
Shotgun Operator follows the proven formula of our other platform classes, such as Handgun and AR-15 Operator. Like those classes, this course teaches you the foundational and fundamental skills necessary to effectively deploy with proficiency what is arguably the most devastating defensive tool available—the shotgun.
Required gear:
12 or 20 gauge shotgun (pump or semiauto only)
Ammo management system (belt carrier, side saddle, butt cuff, etc)
100 rounds of birdshot
20 rounds of 00 buck
10 rounds of slug
Eye/Ear pro
Hydration and sack lunch
Note taking material
Bag chair
Course fee: $200
Facility fee: $25
Duration: 8 hours
AR-15 Operator
Foundational AR-15 training for the new rifle owner or one who needs to learn the correct way to set-up and run the AR platform.
Topics covered include:
Sighting in both iron and optic equipped rifles
Optic options with demo examples
Sling options and "does/don'ts"
Proper mounting of the rifle
Positional shooting options and procedures
Holds and offset
Zeros along with the pros/cons of each
Rifle manipulations (loading, unloading, malfunctions, etc)
Prioritization of accessories
Light source options and mounts
Much more!
AR style rifle/pistol (no caliber restrictions, including PCCs!)
300 rounds of quality ammunition (no reloads, steel is OK)
Sling - optional but recommended
Shooters mat/blanket/tarp/cardboard/etc - Optional
Eye/ear protection
Range appropriate clothing to include hat and rain gear if warranted
Folding chair
Sack lunch
Course Fee - $200
Facility Fee - $25
This course is built on the solid foundation of the Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) curriculum and includes study in the following areas: basic medical terminology, anatomy/physiology as it relates to trauma medicine, Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) setup, airway management, chest trauma and advanced bleeding control procedures, hypothermia, shock, buddy/self aid, improvised patient transport, and many others.
High stress static, low-light, and mobile drills will propel you to proficiency in the proper application of the tourniquet, chest seals, combat gauze including those with hemostatic agents, and the application of improvised medical devices.
Students need only bring an open mind and activity appropriate clothing (a belt of some type will be necessary). This course, while physically demanding at times, can and will be adjusted to accommodate those with limitations. Everyone needs this training.
**This class is accredited for 8 hours of continuing education credit through the Oklahoma Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training.
Course Fee - $200
Facility Fee - $25
Self-Defense for Women
When it comes to self-defense, I can't think of a more poorly served demographic than women. Most of the classes marketed to ladies aren't self-defense classes at all, but poorly organized fitness or bootcamp style workouts. This is nothing more than dangerous snake oil, leaving participants with false confidence in inferior or overly complicated skills. Not this class.
Taught by Five-O Tactical's resident combatives expert and certified Gracie instructor, Robert Fisher, this 6 hour, all mat work class will give women real world tools to both avoid and counter violent assaults. These skills and tactics are taught in a non-condescending and fun environment. All instructed material has been carefully curated for effectiveness AND retainability with minimum upkeep. A self-defense plan not meeting those criteria is no plan at all.
Required gear:
Comfortable, athletic style clothing
Hair tie or something to put hair up with
Trimmed fingernails and toe nails to prevent injuries
Hydration and a light snack if needed
Couse fee: 200
Facility fee: $20
Location: Jenks, OK
Duration: 6 hours
Pay-As-You-Go Invoicing (available upon request) and Cancellation Policy
(effective May 30, 2024)
Payment Schedule
Initial Payment: A non-refundable payment of 25% of the total invoice amount is due upon receipt.
Subsequent Payments: The remaining balance will be divided into three equal payments, scheduled between the first and last class dates. Single class invoices will have payments scheduled between the invoice date and class date.
Class Attendance and Payment: For invoices covering multiple classes, if any class falls between payment dates with a paid balance insufficient to cover its cost, the student must make an additional payment to fully cover that class. The student only need only pay the outstanding balance for that specific class. This additional payment will be deducted from their next scheduled payment unless it's needed to cover another upcoming class.
Missed Payments
Grace Period: Missed payments will have a one-week grace period for completion.
Consequences: If the payment is not made within the grace period, all previously paid monies will be forfeited, the invoice will be cancelled, and the student will no longer qualify for the Pay-As-You-Go program. The student must then pay for any future class in full at the time of registration.
Class Withdrawals Policy
Withdrawals: Students who withdraw from a class after payment and at least two weeks before the class date will receive a credit of 50% of the class fee, applicable towards any future class.
Late Withdrawals: Students who withdraw after payment and within two weeks of the class date will forfeit their registration fee without future credit.
This policy ensures a flexible payment structure while maintaining necessary commitments for our class schedules and operational planning.
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